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Kendel Dolen, Strength Trainer and Nutritionist


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Kendel Dolen


CISSN Sports Nutritionist
Registered Nurse, RN BSN
Strength Trainer / Personal Trainer / Weight Trainer
Lifestyle Coach
IFBB Pro - Body Building Coach

Located in:
Spring, Texas

Near The Woodlands, TX and North Houston

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how health coaching works

Getting Started

the interview

Phone interview

An extensive background and health questionnaire done either in person, Facetime or Skype. This covers known key information for personal training such as medical injuries and illness. Questions will further cover sleep, stress, digestion, home environment, work schedule, personal relationships, access to food and current and past dieting strategies.

goal setting

SMART Goals for weight training

Once the extensive background interview has been achieved, the client and I will discuss setting reasonable goals using the SMART goal process. Goals will be determined based on the client’s current lifestyle and willingness to change.


accountability check-ins

6 Steps for Accountability for weight workouts

Clients are asked to check in by email weekly.  Clients are required to check in via Face Time or in person no less than twice monthly.  Accountability check-ins is the most important part of your Coaching program. I want and need to hear your stories. Your ability to be honest and transparent about your struggles are the real keys to long-term success.    

Specializing In the Following:

Body Fitness Coach

  • Sports nutrition

  • Body building

  • Weight training

  • Strength training

Lifestyle Coaching​

  • Personalized fitness plans

  • Personalized nutritional plans

  • Medical rehabilitation expertise

15 Years Expertise

  • CISSN Sports Nutritionist - International Society of Sports Nutrition

  • RN BSN Registered Nurse with Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing

  • Rehabilitation Nurse

Metabolic syndrome
Muscle wasting
Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 diabetes
Testosterone replacement
Hormone replacement therapy
Gut health
Ketogenic diet
Carb cycling
Gain muscle / hypertrophy

Now Offering Online Coaching!


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Before weight training
After weight training



When you know yourself, you are


When you accept yourself, you are


~Tina Lifford

What Is Quad Performance?



  • Achieve an energy balance through quality nutrition

  • Learn to move and exercise as part of our daily life

  • Achieve recovery - mentally, psychologically, socially, and environmentally

  • Create a vibrant, sustainable lifestyle through mindset and behavioral practices

Quad Performance is a unique health and fitness boutique where your health is the priority. I focus on your metabolic and cardiovascular health first! Here, we use measurements such as blood pressure, resting heart rate, sleep, and blood work that includes hormones, basic metabolic function, and cholesterol to measure one's health. There is no guesswork here. Real measurements are used to determine progress in your strength training. When nutrition plans are designed, they are based on nutritional calculations, which account for your age and height and are further tailored to your lifestyle depending on activity level and lifestyle. Here we practice quality whole foods nutritional eating with a flex dieting approach - emphasizing variety and micronutrient quality over quantity for optimal weight loss.  I will challenge mainstream ideas of just aiming for the 1200 do more eat less, low carb, low-fat diets to weight loss.


Lasting lifestyle change requires looking and understanding our life story and how we see ourselves in the world.  While it is always my priority to achieve a client's internal health, the only path there is to look at our environments, behaviors, emotional responses, activity level, recovery, sleep disturbances, and the list goes on.  ALL this must be accounted for and addressed and what sets Quad Performance apart from others.


My vision is to help each and every one of my clients create a sustainable lifestyle that centers on happiness, health, longevity, and quality of life. 

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